Inventory of green areas! Daniel Montero Castillo


Hello, my name is Daniel Montero Castillo. I am a member of the Green Areas Inventory Foundation! and I am very proud to be part of this great project, since it is of great importance to guide the community so that they know the great impact they can have.

He then provided them with some recommendations for the benefit of society and establish a parameter of the conditions of the area.

1. Reduce, reuse and recycle: you must practice responsible consumption and seek to reduce the amount of waste you generate.

2. Save energy: you should use energy-efficient light bulbs, turn off appliances when you are not using them and take advantage of natural light instead of turning on artificial lights.

3. Take care of the water: you should not waste water and if you have water leaks you should repair them.

4. Encourage sustainable mobility: you should use more sustainable means of transport, such as walking, cycling or using public transport.

5. Promote biodiversity: you should plant native trees and plants in your community. You should not use pesticides and chemical herbicides that can damage the local flora and fauna.


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