Inventory of green areas! Fernanda Pacheco Silva

Hi, I'm Fernanda Pacheco Silva, a member of the inventory of green areas!. I feel very happy to participate in this project because I consider it very important to protect the natural areas that exist in Mexico City. 

In the same way, I believe that through this project we can learn even more about the correct way to conserve our natural areas and thus preserve our flora and fauna.

That is why I will give you 5 recommendations below so that you can help preserve these areas.

    Tlalpan Forest - Protected natural area.

1. You shouldn´t light cigarettes inside protected areas, since cigarette butts are not biodegradable and concentrate a large number of toxic substances.

2. You should camp only in authorized areas, in highly frequented areas and free of vegetation and before leaving make sure that there is no garbage left.

3. You shouldn´t take your pets with you, since they are not allowed inside protected natural areas since their presence impacts the flora and fauna in various ways.

4. You should keep a prudent distance to observe the fauna and in this way not harm their health or alter their behavior.

5. You should take care of the soil, avoiding throwing away batteries, burning garbage and not using chemical substances that damage the soil and the environment.

I hope that with these recommendations you can help us take care of the natural areas that we find in Mexico City.

Join this incredible project!


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