Journey! José de Jesús Aguilar Alonso

Hello again

I would like to share some of our experiences as environmental volunteers here in Tlalmanalco.

We arrived just two weeks ago and we have been living one of the best experiences we have had since we have known incredible places.

Around here the weather has been very comfortable since the days have been mild and allow us to carry out our activities perfectly outdoors and the nights have been very cool.

So far we have explored the Popocatépetl volcano where you can see an incredible landscape, we have also had the opportunity to tour the pyramid and also get to know and explore the water forest that is full of incredible fauna.

As volunteers, we have been able to reforest many areas that needed that change.

However, we still lack some objectives to achieve, such as doing educational practices, helping in the cleaning of rivers and learning more about flora and fauna.

In the following days we want to do several activities such as the reforestation of another area that needs it and go for a walk at night to appreciate the nature of this area.

We are very excited to be environmental volunteers here in Tlalmanalco and to be able to help improve the environment.


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