Journey! Sebastián Galarza García

 Hello, I introduce myself again, my name is Sebastian, today I want to talk to you again, about our experience being in tlalmanalco, I will tell you how the weather treats us, the places we have visited, and especially the activities we do, the ones we have not yet done and the ones we are about to do.

Speaking of the weather, Tlalmanalco has offered us a very good climate, day by day they have been sunny and warm, these are very comfortable for the realization of our activities, the nights are regularly cool.

At the moment we have been able to visit some places in Tlalmanalco, mainly the Izta-Popo National Park, in this we observe in detail and how beautiful the volcanoes are, we also toured the Sanctuary of the Monarch Butterfly. In addition, we had the opportunity to visit the Aquatic Forest, which we took many impressions for its beautiful landscape and what constitutes it.

We contribute as a society in various activities to contribute to the conservation of the environment, one of the main activities was that we planted trees in the Aquatic Forest, so to help the environment more, collect garbage and participate in environmental awareness campaigns in local schools.

Although we have been visiting Tlalmanalco for a while we
still have some pending activities, mainly we plan to carry out the organization of environmental education workshops for the community, make our contribution to clean nearby rivers and learn more about the native flora and fauna, this influences how not to affect its ecosystem to the environment

As an organization we plan to carry out two activities in the next few days that we continue in Tlalmanalco, the first activity is about organizing a day of reforestation and contributing with a clear objective the areas that most need help. In addition, our second goal is to take a night walk to appreciate the beauty of nature under the moon and the stars and have a more beautiful panorama of Tlalmanalco.

Visiting Tlalmanalco and carrying out different activities to contribute to our goal is something that makes us happy, since it is something we like to do and exploring this area every day, it is of great interest to know everything about Tlalmanalco, let's continue working and contribute correctly with our association.


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