Journey! Juan José Osorio Quiroz

Hello everyone! my name is Juan Jose in this day I will tell you about our Journey In Tlalmanalco.

I wanted to share some of our experiences as environmental volunteers here in Tlalmanalco. We arrived two weeks ago, and since then, we've been immersed in an adventure that has taken us to amazing places and allowed us to work together to make a difference in our environment.

Regarding the weather, Tlalmanalco has welcomed us with wonderful climate. The days have been sunny and warm, perfect for our outdoor activities. The nights are cool and starry, making our conversations around the campfire even more special.

So far, we've had the opportunity  already to explore several beautiful places. We visited the Popocatepetl volcano, where we could admire the majesty of the volcanoes. We also toured the pyramid Furthermore, we had the chance to discover the Water Forest, an incredibly diverse ecosystem.

As volunteers, we've engaged  already in various activities to contribute to environmental conservation. We planted native trees in the Water Forest, collected litter on trails and beaches, and participated in environmental awareness campaigns at local schools.

However, there are still many things we wish to accomplish during our time here. Among the pending activities, we plan to organize talks  education workshops for the community, collaborate on river clean-up efforts, and learn more about native flora and fauna.

In the upcoming days, we intend to undertake two exciting activities. Firstly, we plan to organize a reforestation day in an area that urgently needs our help. Additionally, we aim to go on a nighttime hike to appreciate the beauty of nature under the moon and stars.

We are very excited about all that lies ahead and grateful for the opportunity to be environmental volunteers here in Tlalmanalco. Each day is a new adventure and a chance to learn and grow as environmental advocates. Let's continue working together to care for our beautiful planet


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