Inventory of green areas! Josue Ariel Moreno Navarro

 Hello, I am Josue Ariel Moreno Navarro,and I am part of the inventory of green areas!! and I am very excited to be part of this issue because it is interesting and of great importance for our future and our existence, our project will help to know the importance of a good care of our green areas and that people know how to do their part to continue conserving them.

Here I present 5 recommendations for a good care of green areas:

Watering green areas : You must irrigate the green areas constantly because they depend on water and if you do not water them they will die

Plant trees: You should try to plant more plants in green areas as it benefits a lot and this helps to have more vegetation and increase more easily

Do not throw garbage: You musn´t throw garbage because the accumulation of this garbage deteriorates the appearance of green areas and when there is a lot of garbage in green areas it generates a bad smell and attracts rats and flies.

Constantly prune green areas.You should constantly prune these areas because it will help you maintain a good image, if you prune the grass and plants every 15 days approximately, you will prevent the green areas from having dry, burned or damaged grass.

Respect the spaces restricted to green areas: you musn´t go through green areas that are prohibited, many times you can not because there are plants that you can cause some damage more easily.


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